(Note: Click on an image for a larger view)

It has been seven months since I've posted to this blog, during which time I've been extremely busy on things crafty and non-crafty alike. In the interim I have probably created some of my most beautiful cards to date and I believe I have reached the point where I can take my show on the road, albeit very slowly. Some of the cards can be seen above, others can be viewed on my Photobucket Greetings Cards album. (Use the link in the upper left column.) I have discovered new techniques, am working in mixed media and am generally having a high old time crafting cards. I have recently completed a custom order for a repeat customer and am getting a better sense of what I will need to do to successfully market my cards. Now what I need to do is lay the foundation.
I have taken a step in that direction recently when I finally stopped procrastinating and completed the application for a registered trademark. I have been using my name, Gitana, on my work for the past 11 years and have developed it into a logo. Now I'm making it official. Next I plan to create client intake business forms and to create boxed sets of themed cards for sale. Baby steps for now. I'll be toddling in no time and soon I'll break into an all-out run.
I am currently working on my daughter's Sweet Sixteen invitations. My aspiring marine biologist wanted an aquatic theme so we're going with mermaids. Instead of creating a number of identical invitations, hers will all be variations on the theme of mermaids and sea life. No two invitations will be exactly the same. When she recently reviewed the cards completed to date, she commented that the cards were so pretty, they should be considered souvenirs of the event. I thought that was a great idea, something I'll keep in the back of my mind for a future client...souvenir invitations.
Now that the warm weather is slowly waning, I'll be spending more time indoors. Hopefully that means I'll be posting more of my work. That is, of course, if I don't spend all of that time having fun creating cards.
Ballo ergo sum,
Always and All Ways,
- Gitana, the Creative Diva