For the past six weeks, I was a participant in a storytelling workshop for seniors conducted at a local public library by The Moth, an organization dedicated to nurturing and preserving the art of storytelling. (You can learn more about this wonderful organization by visiting this link.) The end of the workshop was marked with an open mike presentation where all the participants told the stories they had honed over the weeks to a live audience. It was an amazing experience made even moreso by the incredible stories we heard from our fellow participants.
Judy Kamilhor, the Coordinator of Older Adult Services for all of Brooklyn Public Library who was responsible for bringing the program to our branch, wanted to post some of our stories on the library webpage and asked if I would be willing to send her my story. I sent her two -- a version of the story I told at the open mike as well as a story that I had written well over twenty years ago. She has graciously placed them on the Words of Wisdom section of the seniors webpage and send me the links which I have pasted below. Please take the time to read them. They're both short but I'm sure you'll be able to relate to at least one of them. After all, it is our experiences, our stories, no matter how different they may be, that teach us how much more we are alike than we are different. Enjoy!
Ballo ergo sum
- Gitana, the Creative Diva