Sunday, March 14, 2010

Supporting a Fellow Artist

As I've mentioned many times before on this blog, I am a member of Oriental Stamp Arts (OSA), a Yahoo group comprised of fabulous paper and rubberstamp artists. One of our members, Cindy, has a blog of her own that she began in January and in this short time has already amassed over 500 hits! Amazing! To show her appreciation for all the support she has been given, she is offering blog candy to one lucky reader. Check out her blog, Asian Paperlinks, to find out how you can qualify for her free goodies. Make sure to look at all the beautiful eye candy she has on her blog also.

Ballo ergo sum
- Gitana, the Creative Diva

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Gitana. Love your blog!!! Wonderfully creative, thanks for sharing!
